Privacy Policy


Information We Collect

BuddyChat must receive or collect some information to operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services,

The types of information we receive and collect depend on how you use our services. We require certain information to deliver our services and without this we will not be able to provide our services to you. For example, you must provide your email, mobile phone number to create an account to use our services.

Information You Provide

  • Your Account Information. You must provide your email, mobile phone number to create a account. If you don’t provide us with this information, you will not be able to create an account to use our services. 
  • Your Messages. We do not retain your messages in the ordinary course of providing our services to you. Instead, your messages are stored on your device and not typically stored on our servers. Once your messages are delivered, they are deleted from our servers. The following scenarios describe circumstances where we may store your messages in the course of delivering them:
    • Undelivered Messages. If a message cannot be delivered immediately (for example, if the recipient is offline), we keep it in encrypted form on our servers for up to 30 days as we try to deliver it. If a message is still undelivered after 30 days, we delete it.

    Automatically Collected Information : We are not collecting any information without your knowledge/background

Contact Us

If you have questions or issues about our Privacy Policy, please mail to:

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